Short Bio

Stephan Sigg is an Associate Professor at Aalto University in the Department of Communications and Networking. With a background in the design, analysis and optimisation of algorithms for distributed and ubiquitous systems, he focuses on sensing systems for environmental perception and Usable (perception-based) Security. Especially, his work covers proactive computing, distributed adaptive beamforming, context-based secure key generation and device-free passive activity recognition. Stephan is an editorial board member of the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), the Elsevier Journal on Computer Communications and has been a guest editor for the Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Systems Journal. He has served on the organizing and technical committees numerous prestigious conferences including IEEE PerCom, ACM Ubicomp, IEEE ICDCS.

Stephan Sigg

Stephan Sigg

  • Aalto University
  • Maarintie 8
  • 00076 Espoo
  • Finland
  • +358 (0)50-4666941
  • stephan.sigg@aalto.fi (PGP public key)

Stephan's research interests include the design, analysis and optimisation of algorithms for distributed and ubiquitous sensing systems. He has addressed research questions related to context prediction, collaborative transmission in Wireless sensor networks, context-based secure key generation, device-free passive activity recognition and computation of functions in wireless networks at the time of transmission.

Maarintie 8, 00076 Espoo; +358 (0)50 4666941; ambience-elec@aalto.fi