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    Stephan Sigg Stephan is working on device-free RF-based activity recognition, usable security and low-power distributed computation. His further interests cover distributed beamforming among sensor nodes and pro-active context computing.

  • Si Zuo

    Si Zuo Si's research interests include IMU-based human activity recognition, sensor data synthesis, and privacy protection in IoT.

  • Dariush Salami

    Dariush Salami Dariush works on topics related to AI in networking. His interests further cover contact-free sensing from RF.

  • Golipoor Sahar

    Golipoor Sahar Sahar is working on signal processing and machine learning for RFID-based gesture and activity recognition.

  • Ying Liu

    Ying Liu Ying Liu is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China in 2020 and 2023, respectively. His research focuses on privacy preservation in millimeter-wave radar sensing systems.


Former Guests

  • Img

    Zhi Liu Zhi Liu is currently an Assistant Professor at Shizuoka University. His research interest includes video network transmission, vehicular networks and mobile edge computing. He was the recipient of the IEEE StreamComm2011 best student paper award, 2015 IEICE Young Researcher Award and ICOIN2018 best paper award. He is and has been a Guest Editor of journals including Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Sensors and IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. He has been serving as the chair for number of international conference and workshops.

  • Ferdinand Peper

    Ferdinand Peper Ferdinand is working at CiNet in Osaka, Japan, on communication and computation systems composed of extremely simple elements that derive their functionality from interactions with each other. His special interest is on neural systems.

  • Nils Beck

    Nils Beck Nils joined the group for a research internship on security in Ballistocardiographic data. His interests are in IT Security (e.g. breaking smartphones' HTTPS encryption) and Natural Language Processing (e.g. generating meaningful word and sentence embeddings and using them in training).

  • Jing Ma

    Jing Ma Jing Ma is interested in the security of Machine Learning, Federated Learning and Blockchain. Further interests cover the privacy of Machine Learning data, and trying to solve the privacy problem by using Blockchain.

  • Isha Singh

    Isha Singh Isha works on electromyographic (EMG) to analyse and detect health disorder in patient data.

  • Manila Kodali

    Manila Kodali Manila is interested in the security of Machine Learning, Federated Learning and Blockchain. Further interests cover the privacy of Machine Learning data, and trying to solve the privacy problem by using Blockchain.

  • Naoki Wakamiya

    Naoki Wakamiya Professor Wakamiya has long engaged in research that applies the principles underpinning the expandability, adaptability, durability, and other superior qualities of organisms to information networks. He is working to design new systems that will help resolve “big data” problems.

  • Maija Poikela

    Maija Poikela Maija graduated from the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin. Her research focuses around Usability and Usable Privacy in the context of location-based services.

  • Nico Jaehne-Raden

    Nico Jähne-Raden Nico is involved in Ballistocardiography research at the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics at the TU Braunschweig and at the Hannover Medical School.

  • Olga Streibel

    Olga Streibel Olga is a Senior Information Architect in the Computational Life Science IT team at Bayer. Her experience spans applied AI including approaches from Semantic Web and Information Retrieval, Text/Data Mining and Machine Learning, and Trend Mining.

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    Michael A. Hedderich Michael is with the Spoken Language Systems (LSV) group with Dietrich Klakow at the Saarland Informatics Campus and a PhD candidate at the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science. He also co-founded the game developer group Little Factory.

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    Sanaz Kianoush Sanaz is a Postdoc at CNR IEIIT institute in Wireless Communication Systems Group in Milan, Italy. Her research interests include Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Low-complexity and Energy-efficient localization in Cognitive Radio Networks, and Context-aware Activity Recognition.

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    Flora Salim Flora Salim is a Senior Lecturer at RMIT University. Her research interests are human mobility and behaviour analytics, context and activity recognition, and urban intelligence. Her research in spatio-temporal data analytics, context recognition and behaviour recognition and prediction from sensor data has been evaluated across multiple projects, such as indoor monitoring and analytics in university and retail environments, driving behaviour recognition, road risk analysis, and passenger movement analysis in airports.

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    Jingyuan Cheng Jingyuan is working on ubiquitous / pervasive computing including both wearable computing and ambient intelligence. Her group specially focuses on novel sensing/feedback modalities and their corresponding application in human related areas like healthcare, sport, daily activity recognition, crowd monitoring, human computer interaction and etc.

  • Lars

    Lars Wolf Lars is the head of the Research Group of Connected and Mobile Systems at TU-Braunschweig, Germany. His work is evolving around several aspects of connected and mobile systems, especially in the network and transport layer and specifically towards the treatment of time-critical media.

  • Moe Matsuki

    Moe Matsuki Moe is working together with Professor Sozo Inoue at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. Her research interest include unsupervised automatic learning as natural language processing for activity.

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    Sozo Inoue Sozos is an associate professor in Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. His research interests include human activity recognition with smart phones, and healthcare application of web/pervasive/ubiquitous systems. Currently he is working on verification studies in real field applications, and collecting and providing a large-scale open dataset for activity recognition, such as a mobile accelerator dataset with about 35,000 activity data from more than 200 subjects, nurses' sensor data combined with 100 patients' sensor data and medical records, and 34 households' light sensor data set for 4 months combined with smart meter data.

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    Takuya Maekawa Takuyas research interests include Wearable/Ubiquitous Sensing, Activity Recognition, Lifelogging and Web Contents Engineering. His recent projects aim to recognize high-level activity recognition by focusing on objects that a user is using with her hands and provision of sensor data obtained in ubiquitous sensor environment in user-friendly formatted web content.

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    Kazuya Ohara Kazuyas research interest includes device-free passive recognition of daily life events. He is a student in Takuya Maekawas group and recently considering to recognize high-level activity by focusing on objects that a user is using with her hands.

  • Dominik Schuermann

    Dominik Schuermann Dominiks research interests include unobtrusive security in distributed systems and applied cryptography in general. His current interests focus on Security in Delay-Tolerant Networking, Anonymity in decentralized networks, MiM detection in key exchange algorithms (Autenticated Key Exchange (AKE), ZRTP), Unobtrusive security using context information, Usable security with OpenPGP

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    Arne Brüsch Arne is working towards automatic pairing from correlations in on-body-device sensors. His research interests cover Information System, Usable Security, Text mining and Machine Learning


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    Sameera Palipana Sameera's research targets Device-free RF-based perception, in particular for Fall detection, Activity classification and multi-target tracking. His expertise spans Machine learning and signal processing.

  • Si-Ahmed Naas

    Si-Ahmed Naas Si-Ahmed's research includes information retrieval as well as Machine Learning and AI in Networking.

  • Le Ngu Nguyen

    Le Ngu Nguyen Le's research interests include usable security (e.g. audio-based device pairing or image-based user authentication), and machine learning applications in pervasive computing (e.g. sport activity analysis).

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    Muneeba Raja Muneeba's research interests cover RF-based device-free activity recognition, in particular sentiment-indicators.

  • Tahmid Quddus

    Tahmid Nahian Bin Quddus Tahmid's research focuses around usable security systems from gaze-based devices.

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    Rainhard Findling Rainhard's research combines intelligence with usable mobile security and privacy. He utilizes data from mobile device sensors with signal processing and machine learning/data analysis techniques to achieve unobtrusive mobile authentication and security.

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    Janaki Koirala With a strong background on Machine Learning, Janaki is applying Deep Learning methods for feature derivation in acceleration-based device pairing.

  • Dinesh

    Dinesh Hyaunmikha Dinesh is focusing on support systems for lean construction management, in particular, IoT and smart sensing.

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    Bahareh Gholampooryazdi With a strong background on signal processing, Bahareh is working on activity recognition from Device-Free RF-based systems.

  • Niklas

    Niklas Strengell Niklas is considering machine learning support and various modalities for the recognition of affect. In particular, he is interested in transfer learning for attitudes, sentiment, mood, emotion and feelings.

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    Martin Nieva -- external Martin's research work focuses assistive systems for disabled, in particular vision-replacement solutions.

  • Shuyu Shi

    Shuyu Shi -- external Shuyu's research interests focus on mobile and ubiquitous computing, in particular passive indoor localization and activity recognition with RF signals, implicit visual communication with commodity electronic devices and rendezvous in cognitive radio networks. Shuyu has now joined the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

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    Tugberk Akdogan Tukberg works on ad-hoc secure device pairing of on-body devices, in particular, magnetometer sensing

Maarintie 8, 00076 Espoo; +358 (0)50 4666941; ambience-elec@aalto.fi