This technical report tackles the problem of automatically
recognizing the information encoded into a physical key
(key code) from a photo taken with a mobile device camera,
so that a reproduction (clone) can be be created from it.
Conceptually, a person takes (a) photo(s) from a key using
a mobile device camera. The key code is derived from these
photos using computer vision techniques and can further be
used by key manufacturers to clone the key – without
requiring physical access to the key sample.
@techreport{Findling_15_KeyCodeRecognition, author = {Findling, Rainhard Dieter}, title = {Key Code Recognition: Case Study of Automatically Deriving the Code of a Physical Key from Mobile Device Camera Images for the EVVA A key profile}, institution = {University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria}, year = {2015}, address = {Softwarepark 11, A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria}, month = jul }