Nowadays path finding has various scopes of application: warehouse management uses it as route planing does. A path finding algorithms’ responsibility is always the same: to find a solution as good as possible while using as few resources as possible. This can be hard in systems with few resources, where a compromise between the consumption of resources and the quality of the solution has to be accepted. This thesis deals with algorithms of informed search and their optimiza tions for systems with few resources. Besides detailed explanations a series of tests with the algorithms/optimizations is done, which points out their exact resource consumption for a chosen statement of the problem.
  author = {Findling, Rainhard Dieter},
  title = {Informed Search Algorithms for Systems with Limited
  month = feb,
  year = {2011},
  note = { {Bachelor's thesis nr 1. German title: Algorithmen
  		  der informierten Suche für Systeme mit beschr\"ankten
  institution = {Department of Mobile Computing, School of Informatics,
  		  Communication and Media, University of Applied Sciences
  		  Upper Austria},
  type = {Bachelor's Thesis}