Biometrics have become important for authentication on
modern mobile devices. Thereby, different biometrics are
differently hard to observe by attackers: for example,
veins used in vein pattern authentication remain hidden
when not using specialized hardware. In this paper we
propose a low cost mobile vein authentication system based
on SIFT features. We implement our approach as vein
recording and authentication prototype, evaluate it using a
self recorded vein database, and compare results to other
vein recognition approaches applied on the same data.
@inproceedings{Fernandez_17_MobileWristVein_extendedabstract, author = {{Fern\'andez Clotet}, Pol and Findling, Rainhard Dieter}, title = {Mobile Wrist Vein Authentication Using {SIFT} Features}, booktitle = {Abstract from {EUROCAST}}, year = {2017}, editor = {Jensen, T.}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {140--141}, address = {Las Palmas, Spain}, month = feb, publisher = {Springer}, note = { {Extended abstract}}, keywords = {mobile authentication, NIR, SIFT features, wrist veins} }